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Low Position(s) Out Pool

Low Position(s) Out Pool

Side Pools > Low Position(s) Out Pool

In this Pool you specify how many players are dropped each week. The weekly results with its tie breaker are used to determine the low players. The tie breaker comes into play with the pool. Eg- the manager sets that the bottom 3 positions are dropped each week. This setting stays for the duration of the pool. You can't say drop 2 positions this week and drop 5 positions next week. Example - You set the drop # to be 3. You are a Wins pool - Week 1 at the bottom of the pool there are 5 players with 3 wins . Those 5 will be displayed in sequence based on their tiebreaker results and the bottom 3 are dropped while the other 2 get to live another day. If its a Confidence Points pool, the results are based on the confidence points achieved that week and the tiebreaker if needed. I would suggest the manager just takes the number of players who sign up to play in the LowPosition pool and divide by 17 to get the drop number. This would get you in the ballpark to be finished around week 17. This is where planning by the manager comes in. You should specify the # of players eliminated each week determined by how long you want the pool to run, typically to end at week 16 or 17. Let's assume you want the pool to end in week 16, keeping week 17 as a final tiebreaker if necessary. You have 100 players in the pool so 100 divided by 16=6.25 and rounding you get 6 players eliminated each week. 6x16=96 players leaving 4 players. Declare the winner as the player with the highest ranking of the 4. The programs sorts using the weekly results so that includes any weekly tiebreaker. OK, now in the unlikely case that there are 2 or more players tied for the last remaining "player out" spot the program sorts in alphabetical order. Here is where the manager can institute another tiebreaker of their choosing like season ranking or whatever you decide. In this case the manager will have to manually change the tiebreaker of the losing player so they lose the tiebreaker. Of course you have to put this in your rules before the season starts.



The web page created is close to the Survivor Pool table layout