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Help > Edits >
Pool Members

Player Maintenance

Edits > Pool Members

Players can be added manually and also vis the Sign-Up web page. To add players manually The first thing you will need to do is enter the players that will be participating in your pool. From the Main screen, go to Menu item EDITS and choose EDIT POOL MEMBERS. When adding players to the pool, keep their names to less than 17 characters long. You can enter their personal contact information and picksheet password also.

If you decide to use point spreads in your pool, then read the section on correctly entering point spreads in the pool.




If you like you can reorder the columns in any order you prefer, simply drag the column header to it's new position.

To auto-size a column double click the column header divider.

After sizing and arranging as you like you can print a "Player Contact Information report to your printer or create a text file that can be used in a web page, Word document or Excel spreadsheet.